All posts tagged "H&M"
wanthaveit | June 30, 2016
Outfit – summer chilling
Period when we have a chance to take a break from hard work has just begun! Now we...
Magdalena Lipka | June 17, 2016
Outfits from H&M – June 2016
The Swedish clothing brand – H&M, showed their latest Outfit June 2016, which is presented by riders who take...
Magdalena Lipka | May 23, 2016
Atmospheric H&M’s campaign “We love horses”
H&M in their new campaing “WE LOVE HORSES”. The atmospheric photos were taken by Eric Broms, make-up by...
Magdalena Lipka | November 30, 2015
What do H&M and horse riding have in common?
H&M – with what do you associate this brand? Practically everybody will answer that they associate it with...