SPOGA HORSE- International Trade Fair for Equestrian Sports
I love equestrian markets and all places where is loads of shops and horsey stuff. Walking in between them, where hangers bend under the weight of gloves, headcollars and all other equipment, reminds me ripe grapes hanging in the Italian garden. You can touch, feel and try everything… Like in heaven
International Spoga Horse we can call Mecca for those pleasures. It’s been organized in Cologne (Germany) twice a year since 2008 and every time attracts more sellers and visitors. In this year’s spring edition (02.02-04.02.2014) 173 exhibitors from 20 countries took part in it.
In this fair can participate manufacturers of:
- equestrian clothing,
- equipment for riders and horses,
- equestrian accessories,
- horse feeds and supplements
- saddles and leather accessories,
- yard, field and transport equipment,
- all other equestrian industries,
- service providers.
You can find there everything- from clothes, helmets, boots, up to feeds, saddles and trailers.
Full list of exhibitors is available here.
This year 11 clothing brands exposed the newest collections during special professional fashion shows. They took place twice a day for the entire duration of the fair. Every brand had 2 minutes to show 5 complete equestrian outfits. The part of it took:
- Cavallo A. Sahle GmbH + Co. KG
- Cavalliera International Kft.
- euro-star Reitmoden GmbH
- Mountain Horse intl. AB
- Horseware Products Ltd.
- Horze Deutschland GmbH
- Albert Kerbl GmbH
- Pikeur Reitmoden
- Schockemöhle Sports GmbH
- Reitsport Waldhausen GmbH & Co. KG
But… There is one small minus… Not everyone can be a visitor on Spoga Horse. The entry is only for traders related to the equestrian world- retailers, wholesalers, clothing stores, department stores, etc.
An ‘ordinary’ person can only visit stalls on Cavaliada Tour 😉
Photos from Spring edition 2013, source: http://www.spogahorse.com/en/spogahorse/presse/bilddatenbank/bilder_spoga_horse_fruehjahr_1/index.php