All posts tagged "summer"
wanthaveit | June 30, 2016
Outfit – summer chilling
Period when we have a chance to take a break from hard work has just begun! Now we...
Magdalena Lipka | June 29, 2016
Summer style
A true equestrian thinks about stable even during holiday. For those, who being on a beach think about...
wanthaveit | June 6, 2016
Summer Beach outfit
Every rider deserves at least a bit of holiday 😉 Those who plan on going to the sunny...
wanthaveit | May 31, 2016
Summer Bright Outfit
When summer comes, on hot and sticky days, we usually give up on riding, giving ourselves and our...
wanthaveit | September 3, 2015
For the heat, for the head, for the weather bad I’ll put on a cap!
Next to sunscreen, another very important thing during summer is a headwear. Sitting on a horse we have...
wanthaveit | July 10, 2015
No flies!
Summer is just around the corner. Soon we will be able to put aside our jackets, thermoshoes, and...