Very limited ESKADRON LOLLIPOP collection
If you’ve read my previous post, you know that I spent plenty of time on my computer looking for a new, perfect halter. Perfect, meaning the one that I would fall for at first sight. Searching and searching the endless depths of the Internet, I found the Eskadron mini collection of a graceful name LILLIPOP. This collection totally knocked me off my feet, and I knew that halter would not be my only purchase 🙂
It’s a collection created by Eskadron for the Euroriding company. It consists of a fleece sweat rug, halter with reigns, bandages in two colours, and pads for the saddle – also in two colouristic version. All products are decorated with little polka-dot pattern. Additionally, the whole collection is kept in pastel tones – two colours are dominant: juicy green apple, and fabulous blue that falls into a bit cold, steel shade (the steel tone is especially visible on the halter strings) – a fantastic combination! It’s worth to pay attention to the shiny finishing of the halter’s buckles, instead of the usual, satin finishing of Eskadron halters. That gives an exceptional glossy effect.
I couldn’t resist – I ordered halter with reins and rug, and eagerly waited for the package, which came surprisingly fast – in two days. I asked an absolutely genious photographer, Kinga K-D for taking a few photos in order to present the Eskadron Lillipop collection in reality, on a horse, specially for you.
I’m not sure whether my fascination for this collection results from how much limited it is – it is available only in a few equestrian shops in Germany, or maybe it results from its lovely colours, or maybe a bit of both. One thing is sure – this colours will stay with us for long.